In the world we live in today, its all about convenience. Disposable diapers come in all shapes, sizes, and prices. They're readily available at big box stores, grocery stores, even gas stations.
So why cloth?
I'll tell you why, because it's
just as available, there are
just as many varieties (if not more), its safer, cheaper, and well, lets face it, its much much cuter!
My main reason for switching to cloth was because of Baby E's skin. She's incredibly sensitive. She kept getting rashes and I was slathering cream after cream trying to rid her of the horrible red raised blisters that covered her little bottom. I'm not sure if it was the fragrances, chemicals used to bleach the diapers, materials, the weird gel like stuff that soaks up the pee or WHAT always caused the rashes, but even the 'natural' diapers caused her to breakout. I hated slathering who knows what all over her and crossing my fingers that it would clear up.
The poop. Oh my word, the explosive, messy, POOP! I was changing her outfit with just about every dirty disposable diaper. The question came up recently, "when did you first realize you were a mom?" and the first thing I thought of was, when baby E was about a month and a half old I was sitting on the couch with her. I heard her famous grunts that led to her famous messes and began to prepare myself for what was about to go down. I sat her up on my lap and
it began. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, there I was catching poop that was spewing out of her little Huggies
with MY HAND. I was more concerned about cleaning up the mess it would make on the carpet that I decided it was best if I "took one for the team". Luckily The Hubs was home and I
called screamed for his help.When he saw what had happened he stood there in the hallway knees half bent, hands up as if he were blocking someone in a game of one on one in basketball and rocking back and forth. He was as panicked as I was and I was hysterical at his reaction ha! When all that was said and done, my carpets were safe and I began to research cloth diapers haha! I have way too many poop stories to tell, sure they're hilarious, but I could have gone my whole life without experiencing them. I can tell you that Baby E has only had one leak the entire time she's been in cloth diapers. :)
The savings! Oh the savings!! The cost upfront for cloth diapers can be really daunting. I completely understand that.This was the first purchase I ever made for cloth diapers (copied and pasted from my order with
Abby's Lane)
Qty | Item | Units | Price |
2 | Indian Unbleached Prefolds: Sizes-Infant Dozen | 0 | $27.99 |
3 | New Snappi Diaper Fastener: Colors-Mint Green | 0 | $3.95 |
1 | Size 1 Thirsties Duo Wrap: Color-White Aplix | 0 | $12.99 |
1 | Size 1 Thirsties Duo Wrap: Color-Honeydew Snap | 0 | $12.99 |
1 | Flower Craze All Day Wet Bag | 0 | $17.95 |
1 | Bumgenius Flannel Wipes 12 Pack | 0 | $11.99 |
1 | Pink Designs on Chocolate Mini Wet Bag | 0 | $8.95 |
1 | Small Aqua Thirsties Cover | 0 | $11.50 |
1 | Small Raspberry Thirsties Cover | 0 | $11.50 |
| Subtotal: | $ 147.91 |
| Voucher: | $ 0.00 |
| Discount: | $ 7.79 |
| Shipping: | $ 0.00 |
| Tax: | $ 0.00 |
| Total: | $ 147.91 |
I will admit that at the time I was really excited about cloth diapering, I should have done more research, and this wasn't the best purchase I've ever made. I don't use a majority of those items anymore as Baby E has grown out of them. I've sold some and saved some for future babies. Patience is a truly a virtue and when you are making a big step like this take more than just a few hours, built up frustration, and excitement, and sleep on it! Ask around, take your time researching the best deals. This wasn't a BAD purchase as it lasted us quite a while but I could have spent our money more wisely.
Overall though we have saved so much money. By buying used, scouring the web for coupons, waiting for sales, and buying items that will fit for a long period and possibly even more children, the investment was well worth it! It may be daunting but once you make the purchase you are done! All that you need to continue to buy is detergent and you use such a small amount that it lasts quite a while.
THIS is a great resource to use to compare costs, its very eye opening to say the least!
A simple google search of "cloth vs disposables" will get you SO MANY amazing articles on the great debate. I just wanted to share with you OUR personal reasons for switching. So do a little research on your own and see for yourself why cloth is better. If you've already made the leap please share your reasons with me! I want to hear them! :)
Lastly, here is a more professional look on why you should choose cloth. This info is copyrighted so I can't copy and paste it, but please go and read what it has to say!
I do realize cloth diaper is just not for some people and I respect that. The great thing about being a parent/guardian is that you get to decide how to raise your child and what is best for you AND baby. What is great for some is a burden for others. So do what's best for your family, but hey it doesn't hurt to look into alternatives!